Daily Hukamnama

July 27, 2024
Sincrvwr, 12 swvx (sMmq 556 nwnkSwhI)

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

goibdu ismir hoAw kilAwxu ]
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, I am emancipated.

imtI aupwiD BieAw suKu swcw AMqrjwmI ismirAw jwxu ]1] rhwau ]
Suffering is eradicated, and true peace has come, meditating on the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts. ||1||Pause||

ijs ky jIA iqin kIey suKwly Bgq jnw kau swcw qwxu ]
All beings belong to Him - He makes them happy. He is the true power of His humble devotees.

dws Apuny kI Awpy rwKI BY BMjn aUpir krqy mwxu ]1]
He Himself saves and protects His slaves, who believe in their Creator, the Destroyer of fear. ||1||

BeI imqRweI imtI burweI dR\u00fcst dUq hir kwFy Cwix ]
I have found friendship, and hatred has been eradicated; the Lord has rooted out the enemies and villains.

sUK shj Awn\u00b5d Gnyry nwnk jIvY hir guxh vKwix ]2]26]112]],
Nanak has been blessed with celestial peace and poise and total bliss; chanting the Glorious Praises of the Lord, he lives. ||2||26||112||],

Daily Hukamnama

July 27, 2024
Sincrvwr, 12 swvx (sMmq 556 nwnkSwhI)

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl:

goibdu ismir hoAw kilAwxu ]
Meditating in remembrance on the Lord of the Universe, I am emancipated.

click to read the full Hukamnama

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