Privacy Statement

Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Sabha will make it our priority to look after your details, use them responsibly and have the appropriate security measures in place to protect the information we hold. We will not share your email address with any third party unless required to do so by law or in times of national emergency.

Data we collect from this website will be used to contact you regarding services you wish to be either volunteer for or use at the Gurdwara. We collect your name, email address, mobile number and age.

We use cookies (small text files) to collect anonymised tracking data in applications such as Google Analytics to better understand the usage of our website. If you do not want us to track such usage from your device then the most effective method is to disable the cookies in your browser. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the About Cookies website or your browser help pages.

Your information is stored in our email folders in a secure service or on computer devices that are secured by login and password and are kept physically safe.

Your information is used to contact you about opportunities and services that you have demonstrated an interest in.

We hold the data as long as deemed necessary in either providing you with the information you requested or where legally required.

You have the right to see the data we hold about you. And you have the right to be forgotten. If you want to exercise these rights, then please write to We will comply with your request within 30 days. And if it will take longer, due to complexity of your request or any other reason, then we will inform you about this within 30 days."

Daily Hukamnama

October 22, 2024
mMglvwr, 6 k`qk (sMmq 556 nwnkSwhI)

sUhI mhlw 1 Gru 6
Soohee, First Mehl, Sixth House:

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One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

click to read the full Hukamnama

Gobind Marg

Download and read the monthly Gobind Marg magazine.  See a report by the General Secretary about events at the Gurdwara and a range of  articles by sevadars on Sikh history, spirituality, as well as contemporary topics  such as gardening and matrimonial matters. A convenient medium to keep yourself up to date.

click here to download


We always welcome volunteers who wish to help the Gurdwara continue to provide services to the sangat and community. Sign up for our list of volunteers and we will contact you when opportunities for sewa arise.

click here to sign up